Thursday, April 29, 2010

The British General Election Continues....ever more boringly!

The British general election continues in its own dreary way, with Gordon Brown given the accolade of being 'Mr Nasty' because he made a private comment about a pensioner being bigoted.  Yes, this is the level of excitement that has captivated the British media all day, and is tedious beyond belief.  But then what would you expect from a British general election that is suffering a complete lack of charisma and driven by a vox pop mentality and a political party machinery that's modelled its shenanigans on the campaign trail to a level Josef Goebbels would be proud of.

The British media is full of indignation about this or that, most of which are side issues and not really tackling the central issues in any real depth.  If they are then the reports are so swayed towards a political bias that it's hard to now what is fact, in the real sense, or journalist fact which is tantamount to being the same as the putting someone in the village ducking stool, and concluding that the truth was only obvious when someone had died. 

I've lost count of how many words have been used about Gordon Brown being the worst prime minister ever, or how David Cameron is so full of nothing, or how Nick Clegg is Mr 'Nice Guy'; all of which is totally irrelevant in an election that is so important to the future direction of the UK.  I've written comments in the Guardian newspaper supporting Nick Clegg because he is the one opportunity for the country to rid itself of its political corruptness, to rid itself of a voting system that's so outdated and undemocratic it beggars belief it's still there in the 21st century.

In terms of policy, there's virtually no change to either NuLab or NuCon political ideology, both are fascistic, both are way to the right, and both have done their level best over the last 30 years to turn Britain into a police state, and succeeded.  Neither of these two parties is going to do anything to rein in the excesses of the banking and financial sectors.  Neither of them are going to reform the House of Lords.  Neither of them want to stand on a platform and change democratic accountability for the better.  Neither of them is interested in the people of Britain, only interested in retaining power.  Neither of them is willing to say how many people are going to be made jobless because of cuts to public service institutions, and at the same time neither are saying that any of the banking and financial sector will be held criminally accountable for their lack of due diligence and corrupt financial practices.

This general election represents a golden opportunity to be rid of a two party system that has been corrupt for the past three decades, and it's about time the British people showed some real British bulldog balls and got rid of both NuLab and NuCon.  They are two political experiments that have gone so Frankensteinly wrong.

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