Saturday, April 17, 2010

I'm being a man...whilst enduring a bout of the flu!

I'm being such a man at the moment, full of self pity and feeling very sorry for myself due to a bad dose of flu.  Why I should be afflicted with the flu is anyone's guess, not that I'm in any way wishing to have any kind of philosophical or medical discussion about it.

That aside, although any sympathetic female who wishes to be Florence Nightingale for an hour or so is more than welcome to mop my brow, providing she doesn't mind there's a distinct possibility she might get the dreaded lurgy as a reward.  As for entering into any sort of meaningful conversation is nigh on impossible due to the repetitious monotone of my voice declaring to the world 'O woe is me, woe is me!  Forsooth I not be far from kicking the bucket!'

Of course, in that time honoured fashion that the male species finds incredibly amusing, yes Tony jr and Dino I'm publicly naming you, they both think it's highly hilarious to make me laugh and then listen to me collapse into a coughing fit, which registers 6.5 on the Richter scale.  With friends and sons like this, who needs enemies.  Yes, I know that I'm moaning but I'm allowed, after all you're not suffering as I am, not that I'd want you to....unless you're Tony and Dino and then I can ignore my more gentler side for a while.

The only good thing to come out of this, is that I can lie on the sofa and watch endless old movies, blasts from the past, ones that moulded the young idiot into an even older one.  If nothing else, whilst I'm dying from flu, anything that placates the mind and causes me to ignore the snuffles can only be a good thing.  Besides the good thing for you is that I'm not prattling on about the British general election, which this time round has stirred my long lost interest in British politics, apart from always having an interest in Scotland finally becoming free of those south of the border.

There I'll leave it until next time, when hopefully I'll be feeling much better and I can carry on drivelling on endlessly about nothing in particular.  Oh my poor nose, does a river really run as fast as you do?

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