Tuesday, July 15, 2008

And so my first blog on this site!

At the moment I'm on the 2nd week of my holiday, which means in a few days time I'll be back in the office, wearing my "professional" hat, answering the calls made upon my time, which might otherwise be better spent on doing more frivolous things, such as writing a new book, drawing another weird picture, or drinking even more coffee than I already do. Still that's a little time away and no more thought shall pass, at least for the moment, on the subject of work.

My great plan, in taking 2 weeks holiday, was to finish the book I've been working on for 18 months, off and on, and for some strange reason I seem to have hit an almighty brick wall and can't get my head around finishing the last chapter and a half. Why, I've no real idea, the ideas are there, and having already written over 50,000 words the finish should be in sight, and fairly easy. Maybe it's got something to do with having too little self discipline, I am on holiday and I might add thoroughly enjoying the rest and generally doing nothing; which when all said and done is the purpose of a holiday.

Of course, the thing is that I'll probably finish it by Sunday night, if for no other reason that it's now holding up the creative flow and I need to concentrate on something else. Where I next wander down "fictional lane" remains to be seen; I've no doubts that an idea, usually a very strange one, will suddenly appear for no reason at all and in the most unlikely place. Normally I write humourous books, based on the absurdities of the male species, but given the choice I'm leaning towards something serious, perhaps dark, although the thought of writing a horror story doesn't really appeal.

I'll finish there, Starbucks is calling. Strange place Starbucks; wonderful ambience, great for people watching, sitting close to the river, dodgy coffee...but then again...the American love affair with drinking the black stuff has never really taught them what a decent cup of coffee should taste like.

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