Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm living the dream

Well I could crush a grape!  After 4 decades, it sounds so much better than 40 years, I've finally become a published author.  Yes, those long, far off days when I was still a child, scribbling away on scraps of toilet paper, inventing all kinds of weird and wonderful worlds, where I was so free and there was nothing but mythical goodness around me, I've finally got there!

At the moment I'm too tired to let this sink in and enjoy it for the triumphant moment it undoubtedly is.  As I discovered last night, where I didn't get to bed until 5am this morning, followed by 5 or 6 hours of disturbed sleep, the wait for publishing acceptance was full of nervous anticipation.  The only thing I can liken it too is awaiting the birth of my son Tony Jr, but even here that particular event seemed less stressful; perhaps that has something to do with being present at the birth and watching the whole process.

So there we are, I'm an author and whilst I accept that I'm unlikely to be as mighty as the great Hemingway, as a first published novel I'm happy with it.  Of course we now enter the world of reader reviews, critics and I dare say some comments which aren't complimentary, but I've done it!  And the one thing that can't be taken away is the fulfillment of a young child's dream against all the odds.

And now I've got the bit between the teeth, said the old nag on its way to the knackers yard, whilst I can still breath there's still life in the old dog, I just love idioms, and the next book is already being worked on and the final draft written. What I can say at this stage, is that the second novel is a comedy and much different to the first.

Thanks again to everyone who's congratulated me, I really do appreciate the kind words. Oh and as a final bit of good news within a few hours of being published the book had already begun to stimulate some interest.  If you are one of those individuals who has shown an interest, I thank you.

Now I'm off to some well earned rest, coffee and food!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Obama 1...Toni 1....a happy draw!

I realise that it's been a while since my last blog entry, 2 March, and I apologise to my long suffering, but loyal, readers for my absence.  The reason for my absence is due to illness, that and having a brain which turned into a watery mess of epic proportions, and which couldn't, for love or money, string a sentence together longer than two words and which included 'idiot'.  To some this may well indicate that I've finally become coherently fluent in my use of the English language; to others it may well confirm I've finally gone gaga.

The good news today is that the USA has finally got over itself and President Obama has succeeded in getting through his health reforms.  It has always struck as somewhat perverse that the richest country on earth, until now, never had universal health care.  Maybe that's due to my never having to go without health care when I needed it and at virtually no cost.  Of course you can argue that state run health services are deficient in one way or another, but as decent, affordable health care is a basic need I can't agree that it should be denied to those who need it simply because they don't have the necessary health insurance, or because that health insurance is cancelled due to reasons of cost.  Anyway, congratulations President Obama and all those voted for the health care reforms.

On a much happier note, despite the drastic need for sleep having been up until 3am the past few nights, I've almost completed all the preparations I need to make for publishing my book, 'Nick & Jenny'.  At the moment it will only be published in ebook form, and hopefully in time it will be published in print form.  When it's published details will be given as soon as I have them so you can get your copy.  I will also give details about the cost of the ebook then; as for the price of the ebook itself, I'm trying to keep the cost as low as possible but this depends on the publisher.

In a way, once published, the book fulfills a lifelong dream I've always had, but until now never thought for one moment it could ever happen.  Will this be my one and only book?  No, there are further manuscripts waiting for the final draft to be completed.  As for the future direction of my writing, I would hope it never gets stuck in one sort of genre, and that if my writing apprenticeship has taught me anything over the last decade, it is I'll write whatever concerns me at the time.

There I'll leave it as it's getting late again, and I must be getting tired as the Beatles are sounding good on the radio.  Have fun whatever you're doing when you read this.  And keep smiling...unless you want to lose weight, in which case frowning and being miserable burns more calories.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Living the life of a turnip!

One of the most useful things I ever learnt at university was the value of having a period of time set aside so I became 'brain dead'.  During this particular time, normally coinciding with the early evening's soap operas between 5.30pm and 8pm, I would stare at the television and submerge myself in a world of complete banality, so inane and splendidly abandoning any thought of real consequence.  Such a scene could be best described as a turnip limply lounging about in true couch potato style.

But such salad days are long gone, yet the urge to take the time out remains, if only to escape the dreariness of coping with an increasingly hostile world.  Hostile in the sense that no matter the personal or professional accomplishments, the latter by far more revered or scorned by others than the former, these will never be enough and like any pugilist only as good as the last win in the boxing ring. Yet the search continues that fulfills the desire to avoid life as we know it!

Which brings me to a continuing fascination with that ever growing social networking monster, Facebook.  To be sure Facebook has its critics, but millions of users can't be wrong and apart from its obvious strength of being able to reconnect people, it's a place full of things that enable you to become a very happy turnip again.  Now I realise there are many who have no desire to be, or become, a turnip; but the fact remains if being a turnip is not your thing, you can become a hunky swede, a saucy tomato or a pickled cabbage.  And don't let anyone tell you any different, it's fun!

At a purely academic, therefore at the onset of becoming cerebrally challenged, level Facebook represents some form of anarchist utopia, underpinned by wonderful delusions of gloriously psychotic granduer, which is firmly anchored in a model of Marxist revolution.  Join and you never become homeless, never made redundant, have a never ending supply of money, everyone is equal, and if so inclined you can wander around the place in various states of outrageous undress.  You can become transgendered, mincing it up so much that any hetrosexual neanderthal man would be proud to call you 'mate'.

But it's becoming a turnip again that is fascinating, because no matter how hard you try to take it seriously, Facebook jumps up and bites yer bum when you least expect it.  Lonely?  Visit 'YoVille', meet in the courtyard and chat aimlessly with a rather funky human cartoon, until they bore the crap out of you.  Not an ounce of conscience is felt when he dumps she and she dumps him.  Wave the magic wand and zap the living daylights out of someone who is being immensely boorish, sexist, racist and every obnoxious form of human delight.  Still not happy, then follow the arrows and end up at the beach and make whoopee by throwing water balloons at others.  Still bored, go big game fishing and look out for several out of work shark actors on the prowl for a free lunch.  That doesn't do it for you?  There's always the fun of motobike racing, gambling at the casino, adopting a pet, buying a bigger pad so you've got more space to rest your weary turnip head. 

It rocks being a turnip!