Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The suit and Wall Street!

Over the past days I've been thinking greatly about the state of the world, and I came to the unsurprising conclusion that every major disaster that has happened throughout history has been due to someone wearing a particular item of clothing of one description or another.  And rather than give an endless list of fashionable warmongering, empire building, people oppressing clothing, I thought it would be an idea to simply lump all of them into one form of clothing that largely symbolises the modern world, the suit.
    On a particularly personal note, I will admit to having a few 'off the peg' suits because that's what my previous job required.  However, I've never been comfortable in one and when reluctantly worn I always felt like a trussed up turkey dreading the Christmas meal.  In real life I don't wear them and will almost certainly refuse to attend anything that requires me to wear one.  I hate them with a passion, not because they are a suit, they are, after all, nothing more than a matching and coordinated pair of trousers and jacket.  It's what they represent that I find particularly annoying and offensive.
    At a shallow level of inspection, the suit is neither fashionable, looks particularly good when worn, or a means of inspiration.  I can't think of anything less motivational or inspiring than a suit, and whenever I see suits being paraded around the only image that comes to mind is a mindless crowd of lemmings heading towards the edge of a cliff.  Yes, I'm being contentious, rightly so, and yes, I'm being very biased in my comments, the more so because it seems to get anywhere in the world a suit is a requirement.
    'Get where?' is a good question.  Well if we break it down, that means if you want to appear 'professional', aspire and belong to the Masonic Brotherhood of Suiting Apparel, then you wear a suit.  The suit then defines you, allows you to fit in with the modern day versions of the KKK.  When wearing one you have identity and a licence to perfom any number of acts, which may be contrary to basic human decency.  In other words, a suit enrobes you, empowers you, gives you a sense of superiority; but more than that it gives any old excuse to be excused any form of misbehaviour.
    I'm not saying that every individual who wears a suit becomes a megalomaniac, or rabidly salivates with bared teeth, or wants to become a raving lunatic of dictatorial proportions, but I should imagine that 95% lean in that direction.  Those 95% are the cause of my discontent today, because it is those who manage to screw up the world we live in.  Think about it, it's always a 'suit' that causes financial markets to collapse, that sells things, that takes political decisions, that holds power, that makes laws, that does things hardly conducive to decency and uncorrupted.  And for the life on me I've never been able to understand why anyone wants to buy a suit made by Armani, Boss et al, and put even more wealth into the pockets of the already wealthy, when there are people starving in the world.  I just find it particularly difficult to find any justifiable reason for the vast difference and disparity between the money paid to those who produce the raw materials for a suit and its eventual grossly inflated and obscene price in the shops.
    This particular tirade today stems from having seen Wall Street in 'the flesh' when I was in New York.  I never took a photograph, largely due to my opposition to all it stands for, but also because this miniscule parody of enormous corruption has done more to blight the dreams and aspirations of decent people, who don't need to wear a suit, than any other organisation I can think of at the moment.  And wherever you look in the history of the last two centuries, the connection between strife, war, poverty, inequality, cruelty, and pure injustice, it always seems to come back to Wall Street and the suits who inhabit it.

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