Saturday, July 23, 2011

It has come as no great surprise to find that Britain is in the middle of crisis, caused by the widespread collusion and corruption of politicians, police, media and judiciary. Such revelations, as now, have finally debunked the notion that British institutions are bound to the rules of democracy and democratically accountable. Since the time of Thatcher, corrupt practices have been deeply ingrained, Murdoch treated as a monarch, his empire allowed to run roughshod over unions and the traditional sanctity of the 'Fourth Estate' and its remit to hold institutions accountable. But here the British themselves must hang their head in shame, for they prefer to listen to nothing that attacks their naive belief in sovereignty, justice and that most treasured illusion, fairness. The land of Albion remains in 'splendid isolation', yet the eyes of the world will remain upon it. My English eyes will shed a tear, because a once great nation closed theirs.

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