Thursday, November 5, 2009

Being positive!

Last night was something of a relief after spending two days on producing an ebook from scratch; lots of headaches and thinking that the word 'numskull' was purely invented for my own personal use.  The good news is that I'm nearly there, the only problem being the formatting, which leaves much to be desired; Oh the joy of enthusiastic ignorance, and men with new toys.

Returning to last night, I finally bumped into a dear friend I hadn't seen for a while, which was AB FAB!  I guess, thinking a little more deeply than I normally do, which probably accounts for the painful big toe, I'm blessed with friendships that can be separated by long periods of time, but reunited again seem to naturally continue from where they left off.

As we chatted, it was a lovely feeling having that all too rare ability to make someone smile and laugh.  No, I'm appalling at telling jokes, my comic timing died a very sad and lonely death long before I was actually born.  My forte, god that sounds pretentious, is my unfailing sense of humour when it comes to the moment at hand, or a particular situation I find amusing for some strange reason.  This I developed at primary school, where as a bullied 'fatty' I was the blob on the end of several beatings.  I discovered that wandering around the playground on all fours, acting as though I was a St. Bernard dog, was the cause of much merriment amongst my peers, and much to the annoyance of the teaching staff.  More importantly the bullying ceased for a while.  In the end I suppose I couldn't escape the attentions of my tormentors, but the respite was welcomed.

My friend, as I walked them home, said I sounded very positive.  I guess I am positive, much to do with finally working out what it is I actually want to do in life.  But to do what you really want to do, race south American sloths over the 100 metres, is going to be hard and you can't help but be positive.  If life's taught me one thing, bananas taste nothing like carrots; being positive is simply...well...not being negative.  And if you can understrand that much, you'll never put batteries in the wrong way again.

Thanks for joining me.  Keep smiling, it makes you either stand out in the crowd, or the cause for you being locked up in a mental asylum.  Either way, it makes you different...that's why your friends love you! ;-)

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