Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday afternoon waffle!

A few weeks ago I had a rant against the world, largely due to what I thought was an injustice, someone who was likely to be denied the opportunity to improve their English because of the horrifically low level of salary they were getting. In the end the individual and I agree to my solution to the problem, which was happily accepted by the individual in question. Yet here we are three weeks later, only one lesson taken and appointments continually missed by the said individual. I've done what I hate doing and withdrawn my offer of help.

Of course it saddens me that no matter how hard you personally try to make a tiny part of life more accessible and enlightening for others, you still get your butt kicked for the effort. Not particularly thinking about this particular story, I wrote yesterday ''s very peculiar that humans love to be around success, but only the rare one helps someone actually achieve it.' I've taken this out of context, but it remains all too true regardless of the context. Such a thought makes you question your own particular responses to other events in your life, and think about the times you've been a cussing SOB when someone has offered their hand out in friendship and you've refused because of a stubborn streak of pride. I suppose it all comes down to swings and roundabouts, and history having a very uncanny knack for repeating itself. But I remain sad because I wasn't able to help someone, even though I have the knowledge and passion to open the door a little further.

I was talking to my son this morning, waffling as we do in our normally relaxed manner, bouncing ideas off each other with regard to his business and my own future plans. At the moment I've come up with an idea that has some 'legs' to it, and in time will enable me to move in a direction that I'm excited about. At this stage it's just an idea, although most of the things needed are already to hand and in place; that is apart from a particular piece of technology, the 'right camera'. Now I realise that minds will be going ten to the dozen and no doubt full of smutty innuendo when I say 'camera'; shame on you! Nothing could be further from the truth, but needless to say the 'right camera' is a must for the idea to come to fruition.

I've spent hours doing the necessary research on the Internet and I'm no further forward than when I started out, well that's not strictly true because one of the things I have discovered, and please feel free to correct me, is that it is virtually impossible to hook up an HD camcorder to either a pc or mac, and use it as a webcam. Use a webcam, no problem, well apart from the poor colour, the awful streamed picture, the lack of autofocus or variable focus, the lack of a wideangle lens, no aperture control, poor mic, and so on; all of which is easily accomplished with an HD camcorder. I'd be grateful if anyone reading this, who is technically superior to my poor self, can leave a comment on how to achieve the impossible. Sadly it seems, based on this particular experience, there is a massive gap in camcorder technology that needs to be filled, post haste! As always, my books can be found to the right hand side of this blog, along with my very first short film, which has recieved a few comments already. When watching the film, you can find it on the right hand side, just remember that it's an experiment and wonderfully reflects my own surreal thinking, which according to a couple of comments lost them in what I was trying to say; another comment wondered if the film was about a pink sky. How true it is you have to suffer for your art!

Finally, thank you to 'Almost Precious' for adding her comments, always nice to hear from fellow bloggers. If you've got a few minutes go to her blog and check out her handmade jewellery, scrumptious might be an apt word to describe her wares.

1 comment:

Almost Precious said...

Thank you Toni for the nice mention of my blog. I much appreciate it.

I am sad that your English student failed to show up for classes, especially since it was such a heartfelt and generous gesture on your part. Sometimes "wanting" to learn and "actually" learning can be worlds apart but things worth learning are not always easy. At least you can feel good about yourself as you did offer a hand up and even though your student did not follow through I'm sure they were grateful for your generosity.