Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A new work in progress!

You may remember me mentioning in my last blog that I wanted to change the direction of this blog.  And as you can see we have a work in progress!  I'm not sure at this stage whether the change in layout will be the final one, but I think it's clearer and better laid out, although I'm sure that most of my regular readers will only notice slight changes, but I think the change is for the better.

As will be seen I've now added a photo of me, constructed from a warped mind that loves surrealism in all its many splendours.  I make no apologies for looking very weird and demented, except to say that I got very happily carried away with GIMP and trying to manipulate the mugshot in question, so that I'd look 30 years younger...I've always been a naive optimist!  What I was thinking of at the time of manipulating I've no idea but I do like the idea of combining punk with the's also satisfying to see that I have a head of hair again.

I continue to work on my second short film, working title 'Penguin Amore!' and it's almost finished.  30 minutes ago I found a piece of music that I hope fits the film.  I never realised how hard it was to add a soundtrack to a film, especially when you come up against copyright.  Personally, as an author and film maker, I can understand your work being used in an inappropriate way, but music I want to use is 40 years old and hardly likely to reach the heady heights of the pop charts again, but we have to play by the rules.

I continue in my creative mood, last weekend saw me on Saturday getting wet due to the early autumnal rain.  Sunday a much brighter and drier day, and as the gods were smiling off I traipsed to a local fountain to take some surreal shots.  One of my glaring faults, yes I have one or two, is that I tend to become preoccupied with whatever I'm doing when in an arty mood.  The fountain was particularly well lit by a slowly setting sun, which added a sense of the cheerful unknown, tiny wavelets from the cascading water sparkled and glinted and danced merrily before disappearing into watery nothingness.  To take the shots I wanted I lay down so I was at eye level to the surface of the water.  Five minutes later I was wet, wet, wet due to lying in a puddle of water I hadn't noticed.  How one suffers for one's art!

Of course the week begins again and two hours of raw film footage has to be looked at, which is always enjoyable until that moment you realise that the camcorder is out of sync with your brain cells.  Thankfully I don't record such moments, a man crying into his pint mug of tea is perhaps too much for everyone to bear, and likely to cause the few friends remaining in my life to finally bid farewell to the antisocial, miserable git!

So it's now back to the drawing board and coming up with ideas for content.  Whatever I end up with as content I'm sure it'll be useful, at least to me.  There I'll finish, acknowledging that I do like me and thinking how cute I ended up looking when I'd finished mucking around with GIMP.  Anyone fancy a makeover?

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