Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Unknown Musician...and other bits and bobs.

I think a change might be a good idea, writing this blog that is, but like all great minds, I love myself, I think I'm important and it's my blog, to which we have to ask what has brought on this point of concern. Well I've  re-read some of my recent blogs and it would appear that I was slowly, if not quickly, heading towards the place where the sun never shines; which considering how big my head seems to be getting, a painfully tight place to squeeze into. Naw, not going there, horrible thought.  Anyway, I'll ponder awhile yet but you can always leave any suggestions, in the comments box below, that might come to mind.

Well I've finally finished my short film 'The Unknown Musician', and whilst I'm the first to admit that it won't win any cinematic prizes there's an enormous sense of accomplishment in having completed the film, having started with virtually no real knowledge of how to put footage together, and more importantly how to edit it. Of course having watched it, some of you might well say that I still don't, but you can't compare my work to that of Paul Hogan, Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino or Alfie Hitchcock, as I'm in a league of my own. I'm almost sure that one of the questions loudly or silently asked, will be 'What the bloody hell is it about?' In answer I'm almost certain when viewed by the 'fairer' sex they'll get it, the 'unfairer' sex unlikely to; but you never know how wrong I can be. However, and I know that I'm repeating myself, mostly due to the onions last night in a salad, it's no shame for this old dog to brazenly admit he's still capable of learning some new tricks, and as I don't need Viagra so none in that direction. But I willingly and happily doff my flat cap to the many unknown American youngsters out there on youtube who've taught me much about Final Cut Express 4 and how to edit. Most of the time ancient gits like you, and on occasion I, moan, groan, pull faces and generally react negatively, badly, and stubbornly towards teenagers for being royal pains in the butt. Yet over the past weeks the one thing I've learnt above all else is there's a generation out there who are willing to 'give' selflessly on a regular basis. Ok, you can look at their particular activities and wonder what kind of education system the developed world has, but it's been a real pleasure for me to take on board their veritable fonts of individual wisdom, saving me an enormous amount of time and wasted effort. I'm not going to salute the American flag, well not until they pay their back taxes to the British people, but I will gladly salute American kids and say 'THANK YOU!' And one final 'thank you' goes to my dear friend, Stefan Kachel, for making my journey into film making that much easier; no, I wasn't going to take all the responsibility for inflicting myself on the world.

The other good news of sorts is that interest in my novel 'Nick & Jenny' still continues with more downloaded samples and purchases, which pleases me enormously and helps the budding author to carry on budding like the little flower I am. I refuse to take myself seriously, and if I choose to be a little flower then there are worse things than being a pansy. And there upon that particular note I'll leave you to pop over to the right to discover my fantastic new blockbuster 'The Unknown Musician'.

1 comment:

Almost Precious said...

Life in general is a learning process and all the little aspects that make up life are, in themselves, learning experiences. From learning to crawl, walk, run to learning to read and write, doing any type of art or craft or sports...just learning how to interact with other members of humanity on a social's all acquired knowledge, all painstakingly learned. Nothing comes instinctively, least of all the making and editing of films. :)