Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An abnormally normal day!

After yesterday's somewhat strange dream, today was verging on the normal.  I'm often confused by the term 'normal', as I've never really been able to pin it down with any accuracy.  Perhaps, thinking about it, we should ask those very fine lexicographers, at the Oxford English Dictionary, to banish it, along with that other nonsensical, all encompassing, word of fuzziness, 'fine'.

This morning started with an 8am meeting with my future employment adviser, which took over 80 minutes, no doubt due to the language barrier, she spoke in German, my dear friend spoke in German and English, and I was left with very little to say.  Had I actually said anything remotely normal, I would have declared myself insane.  My brain is apt to remain asleep for at least 4 hours after I've got out of bed.  Until such time that my mouth connects with my grey matter, I envy the wonderful babblings spoken by babies.

The meeting eventually ended, and I was told in no uncertain terms that I must improve my German, as I write this I can now say Ein, Zwei, Drei und Vier, hopefully I will have advanced to Fünf und repeated Sex several times tomorrow.  I suppose by Christmas Day I'll have learnt to count up to 20, what happens after that, I've no answer; I'll have run out of thumbs, fingers and toes.  As far as learning even the most basic German, I think I'd be far more successful taking up knitting, which I also can't do but at least my fingers would have something to do after I finish counting up to 10 in German.

On the way home I stopped for a coffee at Starbucks.  By now my fingers had succumbed to the cold autumn air, but at least the sun had its woolly hat on and the sky was a cheerful blue.  Coffee was its normal self, piping hot, served in a large mug, and fairly tasteless, which is normal for Starbucks.  Thankfully I don't go there to drink good coffee, I go for the ambiance and the opportunity to chill out.  After an unsuccessful attempt to draw a chair, I doodled 2 more sketches before happily leaving, warm, arty, and fingers happily back to normal.

The rest of the morning was spent on the Internet, surfing for the hidden delights of a German integration course.  You can imagine my ecstatic delight to find the German language pot overflowing with tempting morsels of 'der', 'die', 'das'.  This now means I'll be 'Der Mann', She'll be 'Die Frau', and das is as far as I've got.  Thank god there's only 'THE' in English, it makes life so much easier.

After a sandwich for lunch I strolled back into town for an ink catridge, arriving back home at 6pm with more than I went out for.  The first pair of gloves of the season were bought, not that I'm going to buy anymore.  Walking around town, my heart dropped several feet upon seeing Christmas window displays.  I find it so depressing seeing Christmas in the third week of October; but then I find Christmas depressing on Christmas Day.  I think it would be a wonderful idea to Twitter our political servants, demanding that Christmas shopping be banned until December 1st at the very earliest.  No, I'm not being miserable, I just wish it would stay where it's supposed to, December.

On that note I'll disappear before Mr. Claus blacklists me.  All in all, an abnormally normal day.

1 comment:

steph_nixon said...

Totally agree...Christmas decorations and shopping in October..? Pfft!!