Saturday, October 31, 2009


Halloween tonight, ghosts, spooks, bad spirits up to no good, and generally everyone involved having a whoopee good time.

As always it'll pass me by, not because I'm against it, far from it, but it strikes me that, like Xmas, it's a time when children can be children and enjoy the swift passing of the bogey man.  You can't but smile at cherubic faces, fully unaware that roaming the streets, hiding in dark corners, flying through the skies, are very unpleasant people, or things, just waiting to ponce on a unsuspecting tasty meal.

I'm joking of course, but it's Halloween and the one time of the year that parents, relatives and adult friends can scare the living daylights of kids and nobody thinks bad of them.  Maybe adults secretly enjoy the witching hours, enabling them to let off steam, laugh and if only for a short time to rid themselves of pent up stress.  That and getting involved with carving out grotesque faces in pumpkins, tricking kids and peers, and hiding treats in the most ridiculous places, normally found reasonably quickly by children; children largely faced with adults who've forgotten that kids have a wonderful nose and gift for delicious goodies to be eaten without guilt, or the same adults telling them that the same scrumptious delights are bad for their health and waistline the rest of the year.

No matter if you're an adult, enjoy the childish pranks and let the few hours wash over you in pure joy, especially if you're with children.  Remember that kids grow up and if you're too nasty to them, scare the crap out of them, they'll have their revenge.

You'll end up in a home filled with the living dead, occasionally being drained of blood by people wearing white coats sticking long stakes into you.  HAHAHA!

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