Monday, October 19, 2009

I've been away far too long :-(

Being away for so long is simply a sign that I was utterly stuck in another world & it took over everything, including the time I should've spent here writing. However, whether it's good news or bad. the world of paid employment has decided it's better off without me! Oh, it was nothing I've done to warrant such treatment, nothing more than a response to the economic climate I & a vast many others find themselves in at the present time.

Am I worried? Curiously I'm stuck between thinking it's a bad thing, shallow response to materialism, & it's a very good thing, hearty response to spiritual enlightenment. Perhaps the latter is slightly more worrying than the former, yet I remain hopeful that I'll have the courage of my hidden convictions and treat this as a wonderful opportunity to do something for myself, that will in its own way make some kind of sense of the barbarity of the economic climate.

I do find it very strange, even perverse, and have always done so that those responsible for causing so much misery, potential or otherwise, always appear to walk away from their appalling negligence, greed and wilful behaviour without much in the way of discomfort. let alone held accountable for their actions. Yet I'm not alone in such thoughts, and there are often press reports of excessive behaviour by certain companies, executives, even MPs, who seem to believe in a god given right to pick the ripest cherries. Not being alone in those thoughts, and often listening to a deafening crescendo of vitriol and condemnation against the selfish disregard exhibited by certain individuals, sadly I find myself surrounded by hollow calls that easily dissipate with the merest wisp of wind.

I may be entirely wrong of course, but it seems that the present economic climate was wholly caused by a financial sector that was out of control, and even after the various governments of the developed world bankrolled and bailed out the financial sector, those governments failed to take the opportunity to come down heavily on those individuals who have caused such widespread misery around the world. The upshot being that those hardworking people, who daily toil away to make a living will continue to be punished by the very same system that gladly seems to look favourably upon reprehensible miscreants and ne'er do wells, and which looks for any reason possible to forgive, or forget, deeds that would normally land decent people in court and possibly jail.

Perhaps the time has arrived when those decent hardworking folk should rise up and Twitter the hell out of their elected representatives, suggesting that they do the job they're supposed to and legislate against those individuals who have caused the devestation they clearly have.

Having got that out of my system, and facing the prospect of unemployment in a few weeks time, I look forward to the future and having the opportunity to seek my own fortune, not that I'd want to earn one because that brings with it almost the same amount of problems that being poor does albeit in much different ways. No, not fortune in terms of having an excess of wealth, but fortune in terms of being independent and at least having some control over what I do. I'm perhaps fortunate that I have no dependents, no mortgage, no car, have no debts and in a position where I can afford to take a risk. I realise that I'm far better off than many individuals, but equally I have no money in the bank to tide me over, so it will be a risk whatever I do.

Maybe I've slowly come to realise that I've never had any real control over my life, let others dictate the control. Maybe that's been the way because I've never been able to see through the fog that all too often surrounds us on a daily basis. Whatever comes from my little foray into the unknown, and fully understanding the risks there are, I go forward much happier than I've ever been. And that's no bad thing!

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